Over the last 10 years, we have seen great technological advances in press brake machines. Thanks to numerous innovations, including the incorporation of Computer Numerical Control (CNC), Australian sheet metal manufacturing has become more efficient, less time consuming, and has been able to remain competitive with international markets.

smarter, more efficient metal folding technology

A modern press brake allows users to produce significantly more bends than older press brakes. Older machines produced about 600 bends per hour, but CNC press brakes can produce up to 900 bends per hour. These machines can also keep running indefinitely until tools need to be swapped out for a new design. This is now mainly done through a touch-screen program rather than by hand. To improve manufacturing speed, modern hydraulic press brakes have become lighter and much simpler to install. Current machines are also able to produce more unique pieces due to the variety of software designs that can be run using the CNC system.

Different types of press brake machines

There are several types of press brakes used in the sheet metal industry. This includes mechanical, pneumatichydraulic, and servo-electric. Hydraulic presses operate by means of two synchronized hydraulic cylinders on the C-frames moving the upper beam. On the other hand, servo-electric brakes use a servo-motor to drive a ball screw or belt drive to exert tonnage on the ram. Pneumatic presses utilise air pressure to develop tonnage on the ram.

Why is the hydraulic press brake most efficient?

Hydraulic brakes produce the most accurate high-quality products, are reliable, and use little energy. They are generally safer as, unlike flywheel-driven presses, the motion of the ram can be easily stopped at any time in response to a safety trigger. Hydraulic presses also have a built-in overload protection meaning there is a set pressure that the press cannot exceed.

In the event of break downs, replacement parts are easy to source and are more cost effective.

Hydraulic presses are also quieter and more compact while offering better control and flexibility as they are designed for multi action operation. The ram force, release force as well as the direction and speed can all be adjusted to suit operator needs.

At E&A Probend we use some of the world’s leading hydraulic press brake machines including the Amada HFE80-25, Baykal APHS31090 and Adira 3meter long 100 ton. This allows us to bend and fold metal sheets that are up to 3.1 metres in length and up to 16mm thick. We also have all the tools necessary to perform folding, overfolding, various radius folding and forming.

Let’s review each of these machines in a little more depth.

Baykal APHS 31090 CNC Hydraulic Pressbrake

key features

  • Rigidly welded, monoblock steel frame for minimum deflection under load.
  • Downstroking bending beam with two cylinders made from high-quality forged steel and precisely honed.
  • Full electronic synchronisation with proportional valve technology assuring maximum bend accuracy and repeatability through constant monitoring and correction of beam parallelism by a CNC system.
  • Stroke-depth measurement through high-precision linear scales.
  • CNC-controlled backgauge on ballscrew spindles with DC drive.

ADIRA QHD 10030 CB press brake

key features

  • Top-down system with torsion bar 100 Ton and 3000/2550 mm long.
  • Safety System with two-hand control
  • Adiramatic 2088 numerical control (for programming backstop X axis and the bending angle axis), allowing the screening of 200 sequences divided into 20 programs with 10 bends each
  • Back gauge with trapezoidal threaded spindle
  • Includes six heads with simple vertical adjustment

Amada HFE 80-25

key features

  • 2-D OPERALOG software
  • Comprehensive bending software package, PBs permits bend simulation in a 3-D environment.
  • 7 Axis, Hydraulic down stroking with an 80 ton capacity
  • PG based GNG gives total control of the bending process. A modem and ergonomic design, new programming functions, quick set up, easy operation, out standing accuracy, fast processing time and user-friendly interface

If you require specialised metal bending or folding services, or would like to talk to us about designing, or fabricating your project, please get in touch with us any time.

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